Friday, May 18, 2012

Pot-bellied come back


Metal Sonic is pretty
 cute for a death robot.
I'm pretty sure Sonic doesn't see this everyday.
I am a huge sonic fan.  But when I heard Sonic the hedgehog was basically a knock off of Super Mario Bros. it changed the way I looked at Sonic. Still, for some reason, I bought Sonic generations, and I'm so glad I did.  I was somewhat disappointed that there was no 3rd person gameplay but that didn't take away from the experience. The gameplay is very fun and hard to put  down, you get to play as classic Sonic or modern Sonic. Each Sonic has a different feel to it, classic Sonic is more about platforming where as modern Sonic is more about speed.  Classic Sonic can spin dash, and modern Sonic can use speed boosts and homing attacks.  Classic Sonic can also learn the homing attack later in the game. The classic levels in this game are beautifully remastered, especially green hill zone, this is the first zone in the game. The 3D effects are spectacular for both modern and classic Sonic. There are also a variety of old Sonic bosses that make appearances  in this game, such as the Biolizard from sonic adventure 2, or Egg Emperor from Sonic heroes. There are also rival races agains rival characters: Metal Sonic, Silver the Hedgehog, and Shadow the hedgehog.

As you can probably tell
from this picture Dr. Eggman
also has a past version of himself.
In the end sonic generations is a great game if you are a Sonic fan go and get it I am very exited for the next twenty years of Sonic the hedgehog.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You and I, we're the potbellied children of tomorrow.

  3. may the potbellied children rule the world.

    1. What is it about these potbellied children?

  4. My fellow potbellied children,

    Where do you stand on the tubby rights act?

    Peace, love, and chubbiness,


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